Sold on a Cure

Sold on a Cure

Sold on a Cure

RE/MAX Nova and all of our agents are convinced that breast cancer can be beat and we're doing our part one home at a time. During the month of October every time we sell a house the listing agent will make a special dontation to the CBCF Atlantic Chapter.  

We did this last year as part of our Sold On a Cure program and managed to raise more than $6,900 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - Atlantic Chapter. With your help we hope to raise even more money this year and raise even more awareness and make this one of Halifax's top fundraising events.

As part of our efforts to raise awareness and funds we are turning all RE/MAX Nova For Sale signs pink for the month of October. Agents at all five local Halifax and Dartmouth RE/MAX Nova offices have already printed their pink signs be out replacing all current signs over the next week.

When I see our agents pick up their pink signs and start knocking them into the ground and explaining to our clients why we’re doing what we’re doing, I couldn’t be more proud.

Last year we were recognized by RE/MAX Ontario-Atlantic who named RE/MAX nova as the “Top Contributing Office in Atlantic Canada 2011”. But for us it's not about the awards. We’ve all been impacted by breast cancer, whether through a family member, friend, or colleague so if we can so much as raise the profile through a creative campaign with our signs, then we’ve done our job to help beat this disease.

Help us by spreading the word: #GoPinkHRM and/or #SoldOnACure

Twitter: @RemaxNovaHRM


RE/MAX nova
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