It’s official. REMAX nova has turned PINK!

It’s official. REMAX nova has turned PINK!

It’s official. REMAX nova has turned PINK!

It’s official. REMAX nova has turned PINK! We, at REMAX nova, have always been strong supporters of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s (CBCF) quest to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research, mainly through our “Sold On a Cure” Program. This October, we’ve decided to take things to a whole new level. In an unprecedented company effort, we are going “PINK” for the month of October.

So, what do we mean by “PINK”?

Well almost all of our marketing efforts for the next 30 days will be, you guessed it…PINK. This includes all 400 or so FOR SALE signs being replaced with specially designed PINK signs. In addition all newspaper ads, Real Estate Book, Website, TV ads and of course kicking the month off with 22 members of our team participating in the CIBC Run For The Cure. We look forward to an exciting month ahead & thank of those who continue to support this cause & REMAX nova. For more details on how you can help visit the CBCF Atlantic Chapter website by clicking on the photo above. 

RE/MAX nova
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