1-8 Cape Auguet Road, West Arichat, (MLS® 202415856) RE/MAX nova
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1-8 Cape Auguet Road, West Arichat

0 0 0 sqft
$390,000 For Sale


The 33-acre peninsula at Cape Auguet sounds truly remarkable! With over 4000 feet of oceanfront, it offers a rare blend of natural beauty and potential for development. The shore line is naturally protected by stunning rocks and cliffs leading in a gentle incline up to the wooded area. Situated at Cape Auguet, the peninsula boasts stunning oceanfront views reminiscent of the picturesque Cabot Trail. It transitions from wooded areas to coastal barrens adorned with Juniper berries and crow berries, creating a diverse landscape. The peninsula is subdivided into 8 lots, each with its own unique characteristics and potential uses. A subdivision road is already in place, facilitating access and development across the property. Essential infrastructure such as power and phone lines are accessible from the main road, ensuring convenience for development and daily living needs. Elevated and protected by cliffs, the peninsula offers privacy while still being accessible via several walkways leading down to the shore. This makes it an ideal location for a private retreat or a residential development with scenic ocean views. Nearby Arichat, a small and friendly community, provides essential services including schools, daycare facilities, stores, banks, and seasonal farmer markets. This proximity enhances the property's appeal for potential residents or developers looking to create a self-sustaining community. A well-maintained marine nearby serves as a safe anchorage for local boaters and visiting sailors, adding to the recreational opportunities and accessibility of the area. Whether as a private paradise for personal use or an investment opportunity for development, the combination of natural beauty, infrastructure, and subdivision potential makes this peninsula a compelling choice. The 33-acre peninsula at Cape Auguet offers a rare chance to own a substantial oceanfront property with diverse natural surroundings and development opportunities, all while enjoying the tranquil

Listing Details

1-8 Cape Auguet Road, West Arichat, B0E 1A0

Listing Price

Electricity,High Speed Internet

Building Specifications

Foundation Type
Exterior Finish

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Garage & Parking


Sales History

Demographic Data

Demographic data is based on the dissemination area that contains the listing parcel . Dissemination Areas are small areas composed of one or more neighbouring dissemination blocks. All of Canada is divided into dissemination areas. Data source: Environics Analytics via ArcGIS Online, 2021

Population Size


Median Age


Avg Household Size


Avg House Income


The number of people for each age range.

How the population of this area is expected to change.

The highest level of education obtained by people within this area.

The maritial status of the people in this area.

The average household income within this area.

The number of people that rent versus own.

When the buildings in the area were constructed.

The number of children at home for the given age ranges.

The occupations of the people living here.

Tax Assessment

Year Amount % Change
2024 $14,600 ---
2023 $13,300 ---
2022 $9,900 ---
2021 $9,900 ---
2020 $9,900 ---
2019 $9,900 ---
2018 $9,900 ---
2017 $9,900 ---
2016 $9,900 ---
2015 $9,900 ---
2014 $9,900 ---
2013 $9,900 ---
2012 $9,900 ---


Mortgage Inquiries

Last Updated On: 7/5/2024 1:07:16 PM (UTC)