Lapland Road, Lapland, (MLS® 202409449) RE/MAX nova
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Lapland Road, Lapland

0 0 0 sqft
$399,000 For Sale


Nestled amidst 75 pristine acres of natural beauty, this remarkable property offers a harmonious blend of serene landscapes and boundless opportunities. Between both Upper Salters Lake and Salters Brook, this expansive acreage boasts a diverse terrain, featuring cleared land, dense woodlands, and captivating waterfront panoramic views. Since 2021, the current owners have thoughtfully crafted a pathway into this idyllic retreat, installing a 16-18' wide road stretching approximately 1100 feet into the heart of the property. Numerous spur roads branch off, leading to potential building sites that offer panoramic views and endless possibilities for development. The property includes three meticulously designed septic systems registered with the Department of Environment, ensuring living solutions for future endeavors. A comprehensive woodlot management plan has been implemented in the wooded areas "above" the power lines, showcasing a commitment to conservation and responsible land use. Notably, the woodlot land area has been expertly & professionally rejuvenated, with a native tree species mix tailored to thrive in this tranquil setting. The possibilities are as vast as the landscape itself. Whether envisioning a secluded campground haven, farm, an exclusive private estate, a visionary residential or recreational subdivision, this prime parcel of land offers a canvas for realizing dreams. With ample lake frontage and a coveted position at the very end of a public road, this is a rare opportunity to invest in serenity and potential. For investors, builders, or those seeking refuge from the hustle and bustle of urban life, this rare acreage property beckons with its promise of tranquility and untapped possibilities. Your oasis awaits, don't miss out on this opportunity, schedule a viewing today!

Listing Details

Lapland Road, Lapland, B4V 7T6

Listing Price


Building Specifications

Foundation Type
Exterior Finish

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Garage & Parking


Sales History

Demographic Data

Demographic data is based on the dissemination area that contains the listing parcel . Dissemination Areas are small areas composed of one or more neighbouring dissemination blocks. All of Canada is divided into dissemination areas. Data source: Environics Analytics via ArcGIS Online, 2021

Population Size


Median Age


Avg Household Size


Avg House Income


The number of people for each age range.

How the population of this area is expected to change.

The highest level of education obtained by people within this area.

The maritial status of the people in this area.

The average household income within this area.

The number of people that rent versus own.

When the buildings in the area were constructed.

The number of children at home for the given age ranges.

The occupations of the people living here.

Tax Assessment

Year Amount % Change
2024 $48,500 ---
2023 $44,100 ---
2022 $44,100 ---
2021 $34,200 ---
2020 $34,200 ---
2019 $34,200 ---
2018 $34,200 ---
2017 $34,200 ---
2016 $32,000 ---
2015 $32,000 ---
2014 $32,000 ---
2013 $32,000 ---
2012 $28,800 ---


Mortgage Inquiries

Last Updated On: 8/24/2024 1:41:16 PM (UTC)