Lot 1 Selig Road, East Clifford, (MLS® 202414983) RE/MAX nova
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Lot 1 Selig Road, East Clifford

0 0 0 sqft
$159,900 For Sale


Discover the serene beauty and endless possibilities of this 1.36-acre surveyed lot with 118 feet of pristine lakefront on Rhyno Lake in East Clifford. Ready for your dream getaway or future development, this property has already been prepared for you. Imagine the convenience of a gravel driveway leading you to a brand-new septic system, installed in 2022 and never used. The lot is partially cleared, presenting a blank canvas for your vision. Included in this picturesque setting is a brand-new, European-style shed measuring 16' x 12', complete with a charming deck and a 4'5 x 4'5 outhouse. Both structures are crafted from natural pine and hemlock, treated with natural preservatives for longevity and minimal maintenance. With road frontage on both East Clifford Rd and Selig Rd, access is easy and convenient. Notably, the property spans both sides of Selig Rd, offering unique opportunities for utilization and enjoyment. Fishing enthusiasts will be delighted by the large stream flowing into Rhyno Lake right at this lot—an idyllic spot for casting a line and catching dinner. Rhyno Lake is also connected via a causeway to the expansive Seven Mile Lake, easily accessible by boat for more extensive water adventures. The tranquil calls of loons can often be heard, enhancing the peaceful ambiance as they swim and dive nearby. Located just a 15-minute drive from the town of Bridgewater and a little over an hour from the city of Halifax, this lot offers the perfect blend of seclusion and accessibility. Whether you're seeking a weekend retreat, a fishing haven, or a spot to build your forever home, this property on Rhyno Lake promises to fulfill your dreams and more. Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to own a piece of Nova Scotia's natural paradise.

Listing Details

Lot 1 Selig Road, East Clifford, B4V 7R9

Listing Price


Building Specifications

Foundation Type
Exterior Finish

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Garage & Parking


Sales History

Demographic Data

Demographic data is based on the dissemination area that contains the listing parcel . Dissemination Areas are small areas composed of one or more neighbouring dissemination blocks. All of Canada is divided into dissemination areas. Data source: Environics Analytics via ArcGIS Online, 2021

Population Size


Median Age


Avg Household Size


Avg House Income


The number of people for each age range.

How the population of this area is expected to change.

The highest level of education obtained by people within this area.

The maritial status of the people in this area.

The average household income within this area.

The number of people that rent versus own.

When the buildings in the area were constructed.

The number of children at home for the given age ranges.

The occupations of the people living here.

Tax Assessment

Year Amount % Change
2024 $50,400 ---
2023 $41,400 ---
2022 $31,500 ---
2021 $27,900 ---
2020 $27,900 ---
2019 $27,900 ---
2018 $27,900 ---
2017 $23,300 ---
2016 $23,300 ---
2015 $23,300 ---
2014 $23,300 ---
2013 $23,300 ---
2012 $23,300 ---


Mortgage Inquiries

Last Updated On: 6/25/2024 7:25:17 PM (UTC)